Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Play That Funky Music White Boy


Does music really mold our lives?

We wake up in the morning to music.  We get ready for the day to music.  We drive to work or school, to music.  We listen to music during class, during class change.  On the way home, at home, and we listen to music to fall asleep.

Music is a part of our lives, a BIG part. 

Really, honestly, how many of us could go a whole day without music?

There is a saying called “the curse of the last song”.  It simply states that the last song that we listen to gets stuck in our head and affects how we act and how we respond. 

Music is magic.  Music sets the mood.  Have you ever watched a scary movie without the sound?  It’s not scary.  It does not have the same effect that it does when the music is there. 

If you listen to a happy uplifting song, you are going to be happy.  If you listen to a sad depressing song, you are going to be sad and depressed.  Even songs that have lyrics that are not depressing at all have music that is depressing. 

Music can be a really great thing.  Music can inspire us to do great things.  But is music getting in the way?  Back in the day there was no iPods, or MP3’s, or CD’s, and there were scarcely radios. 

People worked.

They worked in the fields.  All day, every day.  They had time to think, time to ponder.  They could reflect on their lives and think about what else they could do to learn and to grow. 

And now….

Now what?  I think that music is getting in the way.  I think that we could use more time to just think.  Just enjoy the quiet. 


1 comment:

  1. I agree with you, too many people today listen to music 24/7. I dont understand how they can stand it. I like music and all but theres times when I just gotta listen to the world.
