Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I Know I Can

I can talk.

I can swim.

I can breathe in my sleep.

I know I can go crazy.

I can play soccer.

I can frolic through a meadow.

I can rock and roll all night and party every day.

I can laugh until I cry.

I can write a poem.

I bet I can make you dance.

I can sleep till noon.

I can get upset over nothing.

I can take risks.

I can cry in a good movie.

I can overcome resistance.

I can.


I just can’t seem to get my mind off of you.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

love is all you need


1: i have to pee
2: what?
1: i HAVE to pee
2: right now?
1: duh. why would i go through the trouble of saying i did if i didn't??
2: we are like in the middle of nowhere
1: well this rain isn't helping
2: what do you want me to do about it?
1: pull over.  LET ME PEE!
2: we're gonna be late
1: but i gotta go
2: hold it!
1: i have been
2: just don't think about it
2: ok, i'll turn the music up
1: no, that music sucks
2: but this is my jam!
1: you suck
2: fine change it
(changing station)
1: ugh. we're in the middle of nowhere
2: so we'll just listen to my music then
1: i still have to pee
2: and i'm still not gonna stop